Biosafety levels are critical in ensuring the safety of individuals working in research labs, healthcare facilities, and other industries that involve handling hazardous materials. In this blog, we will dive deep into the four biosafety levels and their significance, helping you better understand how to protect yourself and others while working with hazardous materials.

Biosafety Level 1 (BSL-1)
This level represents the lowest level of biosafety and is designed for very low-risk agents that do not pose a significant hazard to humans or the environment. Examples of such agents include non-pathogenic strains of E.coli and Bacillus subtilis. This level of containment only requires minimal personal protective equipment such as lab coats, gloves, and safety glasses to protect against splashes or spills.
Biosafety Level 2 (BSL-2)
This level is designed for moderate-risk agents that pose a moderate threat to human health. Examples of such agents include Mycobacterium, Streptococcus pneumonia, and Salmonella choleraesuis. BSL-2 requires additional safety precautions including the use of a biosafety cabinet, disposable gloves, and eye protection. All work is done under biological safety cabinets or other physical containment devices.

Biosafety Level 3 (BSL-3)
This level is designed for high-risk pathogens that pose a significant threat to human health. Examples of such agents include tuberculosis, anthrax, and West Nile virus. BSL-3 requires additional safety precautions such as dedicated labs, negative air pressure, and complete personal protective equipment. Examples of facilities that operate at BSL-3 include certain laboratories in research institutions, universities, and government agencies.
High-security governmental labs, such as those associated with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) or the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), also maintain BSL-3 labs due to the nature of the work conducted.
Biosafety Level 4 (BSL-4)
This level is designated for the most dangerous pathogens that pose the highest threat to human health and do not have available treatments or vaccines. Examples of such agents include the Ebola virus and Hendra virus. BSL-4 requires the highest level of containment with full-body positive pressure suits, airlocks, and laboratories equipped with controlled ventilation systems.
Facilities that operate at BSL-4 are among the most advanced and secure laboratories globally. These include the National Microbiology Laboratory in Canada and, more specifically, the Canadian Science Centre for Human and Animal Health (CSCHAH) in Winnipeg, Manitoba.
Also, the National Bio and Agro-Defense Facility (NBAF), is located in Manhattan, Kansas. Moreover, the Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases (USAMRIID) is the only U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) laboratory equipped to study highly hazardous viruses at Biosafety Level 4 within positive pressure personnel suits.
How To Stay Safe From These Pathogens
Biosafety levels are critical in ensuring safety when dealing with hazardous materials. It's important to be fully aware of the different levels of protection and protocols that come with them. When working with hazardous materials, it's crucial to take precautions and follow the protocols in place to ensure the safety of everyone potentially exposed.
If you're dealing with a hazardous situation, Bio-One can help!
Bio-One of Marion County is the premier biohazard cleanup and remediation service provider in Indianapolis. Our highly trained technicians are certified to work with hazardous materials. Whether it's a crime scene cleanup or infectious disease remediation, Bio-One of Marion County has the expertise and resources to help you stay safe. We are here to quickly respond to your needs with professionalism and respect!