Crime & Trauma Scene Cleanup FAQ

At Bio-One, we handle all types of extreme cleaning, and that includes the aftermath left behind at crime scenes. We get a lot of questions regarding our role at scenes, so we would love to answer those!
Q: If the scene involves a death, is the body still present when you arrive?
A: No. In cases involving death, the coroner will take the body.
Q: Is Bio-One responsible for collecting any type of evidence?
A: No. Law enforcement must release the scene before we are allowed to start our process. There are occasions in which we will find shell casings, bullets, or other items that crime scene technicians might have missed. In that case, those items are handed off to law enforcement.
Q: What are the first steps in the process of recovering/cleaning a crime scene?
A: First and foremost, we always don PPE (personal protective equipment). Once we are in proper attire, we assess the scene and document everything, which includes lots of photos. Photos are incredibly important, especially when dealing with insurance.
Q: What type of PPE is necessary for this type of work?
A: When dealing with any type of biohazard, full PPE is required. “Full PPE” includes a hazmat suit, gloves, shoe covers, and respirators. Depending on the scene, we will use either an N95 mask, a half- face respirator, or a full-face respirator.
Q: Do family members or loved ones stay at the scene while you work?
A: Typically, no. After such a traumatic experience, seeing the cleanup process can further compound that trauma. At Bio-One, our goal is to help people start the healing process, and that begins with a home that is free of reminders of what occurred.
If you have any other questions, feel free to reach out to Sarah at