Bio-One of Marion County decontamination and biohazard cleaning services

5 Tips for Cleaning Your Pet's Accidents from The House

As joyful as it is, owning a pet comes with its share of, shall we say, "surprises." For many, dealing with pet accidents is an inevitable part of the package. These mishaps can be anything from a puppy’s uncalled-for puddle to a senior pet's unanticipated bathroom break. Yeah... these incidents are not pleasant, but they're not the end of the world. With the right approach, you can have your home smelling fresh and looking clean again in no time. Here are five essential tips for cleaning up feces and urine or any waste from your furry friend.

Tip 1: Act Quickly After the Accident

The first and most important step in cleaning a pet accident is to act swiftly. Urine and feces are alkaline-based when they are first excreted and become more acidic over time. These pH changes can cause discoloration in carpets and fabrics, making the stain more difficult to remove the longer it sits.

puppy pee accident example

Start by removing any solid waste and then blot up as much liquid as possible using paper towels or a clean cloth. Work from the outside of the stain inward to avoid spreading it.

Tip 2: Choose the Right Cleaning Products

You wouldn’t wash dishes with floor cleaner, would you? Similarly, not all cleaning products are suitable for pet accidents. Avoid using products that contain ammonia, as its scent can attract your pet back to the same spot to mark it as their territory. Opt for enzymatic cleaners instead.

reading product label example

Enzymatic cleaners break down proteins in the urine, which causes lingering odors. This type of cleaner is designed to mimic the natural enzymatic process, which is safe for use on a variety of surfaces and effectively eliminates odor at the source rather than just masking it. Always spot-test a small area to ensure the cleaner doesn’t damage your surface before use.

Learn more: CNN - The best pet-safe cleaning products, according to experts

Tip 3: Blot, Don't Scrub

The temptation to scrub vigorously is understandable when faced with a stubborn stain. However, aggressive cleaning can push the mess deeper into carpet fibers or upholstery, which, trust us, will make it more difficult to remove. It can also cause the stain to spread, enlarging the affected area.

The key is to be gentle. Use an absorbent material to blot the affected area. One technique is to place a towel over the spill and step on it to apply pressure. This helps lift the liquid into the cloth. Repeat this process with fresh towels until the area is mostly dry.

Tip 4: Tackle Odors and Stains

Pet accidents can leave a powerful lasting scent that's not only unpleasant but can also encourage repeat mishaps. When cleaning up feces and urine, start with your enzymatic cleaner to break down the organic particles causing the odor. After the affected area has dried, sprinkle baking soda over the spot and allow it to sit for a few hours or even overnight.

cleaning cat litter example

Baking soda is excellent for absorbing odors! Once it has had time to work, vacuum it up. For tougher odors, you might need to repeat this process or consider using a carpet cleaner with a pet-specific formula. Remember to keep the room well-ventilated during this process to help speed up the drying and odor-elimination process.

Stains on carpets and upholstery require a bit more effort. After using the enzymatic cleaner and allowing it to set, use a wet vac or a clean, damp cloth to remove any remaining liquid. Then, apply a stain remover that is suitable for the specific type of fabric. Follow the manufacturer's instructions for the best results,!

Tip 5: Prevent Future Accidents

For puppies or dogs with incontinence issues, consider using training pads or a litter box in a designated area. For cats, make sure the litter box is cleaned regularly and located in a private, accessible location.

Understanding why your pet had an accident can help prevent future occurrences. Stress, anxiety, changes in routine, health issues, or old age can all contribute to accidents. Pets have a much keener sense of smell than humans, and if they detect any residual odors, they may be more inclined to use that spot again.

pet care example kitty puppy

Bio-One of Marion County Can Help

In addition to the above tips, maintaining a regular cleaning schedule and investing in professional cleaning services can further ensure your home is a healthy and inviting environment.

For the most complex or problematic cleanup situations, professional help can make all the difference. Bio-One of Marion County provides feces and urine cleanup services, as well as pet waste cleanup services, deep cleaning, and decontamination services. Our specialists are trained in the proper handling and disposal of biohazardous materials to ensure the safety of your home and loved ones. If you find yourself in need of professional help, don't hesitate to reach out!

Bio-One specializes in blood and bodily fluids, decomposition/undiscovered death, crime scene, suicide cleanup, tear gas, feces/urine, sewage backups, and odor removal. Helping people get their lives back in order is our #1 priority. 

Bio-One of Marion County is here to help you 24/7, 365 days a year! Call (317) 499-0614, and you'll speak directly to one of us when you call; there is never an answering service.  We'll treat you like a person with the compassion and respect that you deserve.